The Hopi School Inc. (501c3)


Hopitutuqaiki (The Hopi School) was founded in 1999 and has been in operation since 2005, providing classes in various arts/crafts and Hopi language. The arts/crafts classes have enabled Hopi students to produce items needed for ceremonial purposes and personal items. Many students use these items for themselves and their families and increase their family income by selling items they learned how to produce. Each class is a mentorship opportunity with a master craftsperson as a mentor and up to 6 apprentices. That format allows for individual attention and discussions about Hopi language and culture as is pertinent to the art/craft being studied. The school attempts to find fluent Hopi speakers as mentors to encourage language and culture. This process has been most successful. We are currently pursuing funding to support the expansion of the Hopi Language-Immersion Preschool, a one-month summer program offered since 2008, as requested by the parents and the local community.

Years Supported: 2012, 2021
Grant Type: Language Preservation
Location: Hopi, AZ