Photo Credit: Eco Flight

As Native people of this place, we recognize that Native-led organizations are already addressing these important issues in their communities and creating real and positive movements.

Join us to support strategic protection of the Colorado Plateau and strengthening of Native communities that call the Plateau home.

Support CPF

  • Protect the Plateau’s lands, waters, and cultures
  • Support Native-led initiatives
  • Uplift community driven solutions


We strengthen Native-led organizations in order to sustain Colorado Plateau lands, water, and cultures for generations to come. Your support will uplift critical work around community, culture, and tradition.

How to Partner with CPF

Colorado Plateau Foundation is interested in partnering with like minded organizations, donors, and foundations that also believe that investing in the Plateau’s Native-led initiatives is an investment in the future. We seek to turn contributions into game-changing work around Native Americans in philanthropy, rural and community driven projects, and innovative solutions for addressing challenges on the Colorado Plateau.

You can join us in fulfilling our mission of connecting philanthropy with Native-led organizations on the Plateau by donating today. We are dedicated to maximizing your contribution, making sure it reaches the people and the issues we both care about. Your investment in Colorado Plateau Foundation can make a difference for a grantee by helping them transform from a good organization to an exceptional Native-led organization, with funding to elevate their work. Donate today to join CPF’s network of support.

Strategic Giving

Colorado Plateau Foundation’s brand of philanthropy is grounded in informed cultural, social, economic, and political outlooks, as well as earnest evaluation of community needs. We work to support change that is strategic, effective, and efficient.

Colorado Plateau Foundation is interested in building relationships with like-minded organizations, donors, and foundations that also believe that investing in the Plateau’s Native-led initiatives is an investment in the future. We seek to turn contributions into game changing working around strategic giving in Native communities, rural and community driven initiatives, and innovative solutions for addressing challenges on the Colorado Plateau.

If you are interested in planned giving, granting to CPF, a bequest, or other forms of partnership, contact [email protected].

Since 2012 we have given $5.1 million to 220+ Native-led initiatives

Given In
Native Initiatives Supported

Meet Our Grantees