National Indian Youth Leadership Development Project, Inc (501c3)

The National Indian Youth Leadership Project (NIYLP) has been working for over 30 years to empower the lives of Indigenous youth through positive youth development programming. Our mission is to help Indigenous youth their potential through outdoor adventure and service-learning. NIYLP envisions a world with generations of healthy, capable, caring, resilient Indigenous youth who contribute to their groups, families, communities, and nations. NIYLP’s flagship program, Project Venture, is an evidence-based positive youth development model that has consistently demonstrated positive outcomes regarding the prevention of substance abuse, depression, anxiety, and anger among youth in Indigenous communities. Project Venture has served thousands of American Indian at-risk youth in more than 90 replication sites across 25 states, Canada, and Europe. In addition, NIYLP provides direct services to about 1000 youth in New Mexico, Arizona, and South Dakota and capacity building training and guidance to 60 Project Venture replication sites nationally and internationally.
Years Supported: 2021
Grant Type: Food Security, Sustainable Community- Based Agriculture
Location: Navajo and Zuni, NM