Fundamental Needs Inc (501c3)


Fundamental Needs was established in 2020 to address the needs of residents of the Navajo Reservation in the Four Corners region of Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, and Colorado. Our mission is to work with underprivileged communities in the United States to alleviate the suffering caused by inadequate access to electricity, clean drinking water, a heat source, and a proper food source. Our vision is to target all aspects of deficiencies within communities

instead of focusing on only one facet of the problem. As a result, we will provide those with immediate needs and work toward a sustainable solution. Fundamental Needs works towards our mission and vision with our Oasis Project that currently brings water and food stability to the Navajo Reservation. Once in place, water can be trucked in, and the system will provide water to the families for three to four weeks on average before the tanks need to be refilled.

Years Supported: 2021
Grant Type: Food Security through sustainable community-based agriculture
Location: Navajo, AZ, UT, NM, and CO