Kwiyagat Community Academy


Kwiyagat Community Academy opened in August 2021 after two years of significant Ute Mountain Ute community input with 27 students in grades K-1 in a small one-room modular in Towaoc, Colorado on the Ute Mountain Ute reservation as the first public charter school on Indian reservation in Colorado. KCA has four main goals for students at the school:  (1) learning Ute language and culture from teachers at the school, Elders and community members, (2) excelling in traditional academic subjects, such as language arts, math, social studies, and science, (3) developing traditional character skills and wholistic wellness, and (4) fostering strong community connections through public presentations, volunteerism, and career internships.

Years Supported: 2024
Grant Type: Preservation of Language
Location:Ute Mountain Ute