YAKANAL About The mission of YAKANAL is “To strengthen cultural identity and leadership capacities in Indigenous youth, preparing them to engage with other cultures while preserving their own.” Since 2009, YAKANAL has offered participants authentic connections with their cultural roots through explicit comparisons and links [...]
Village of Walpi
Lara G2025-03-03T21:35:30+00:00Village of Walpi About The Village of Walpi believes in traditional and contemporary values that promotes the welfare, growth, and sustenance of its people, while protecting and preserving the cultural and natural environment.” The mission will be carried out with the spirit of Sumi’nangwa, Nami’nangwa, [...]
Healing Mountain Coalition
Lara G2025-03-03T21:32:46+00:00Healing Mountain Coalition About The Healing Mountain Coalition is a group of White Mountain Apache community members that bring experience and insight from a variety of backgrounds including but not limited to; land restoration, regenerative farming, regenerative medicine, traditional hunting, watershed management, ethnobotany, Apache language, [...]

C4 Ever Green
Lara G2025-03-03T21:23:36+00:00C4 Ever Green About In 2022, C 4Ever Green was created as a 501(c)3 at the encouragement of community members. The organization addresses waste-burning and illegal dumping, protecting endangered Indigenous plants harvested for food, ceremony, and livestock, transitioning to renewable energy, and protecting natural resources. [...]
Albuquerque Public Schools
Lara G2025-03-03T21:20:12+00:00Albuquerque Public Schools About Albuquerque Public Schools develops enhanced and supportive Indigenous educational opportunities for American Indian/Alaska Native students by increasing knowledge of Native values through teaching language and cultural differences. We believe American Indian/Alaska Native students will succeed with appropriate support systems and effective [...]
Apache Language Consortium
Lara G2024-05-20T20:41:27+00:00Apache Language Consortium About The Apache Language Consortium (ALC) was founded in 2010 by a group of dedicated linguists, educators, and community leaders, all deeply concerned about the rapid decline in fluency among speakers of various Apache languages. Understanding that language is integral to cultural [...]
Kwiyagat Community Academy
Lara G2024-05-20T20:41:58+00:00Kwiyagat Community Academy About Kwiyagat Community Academy opened in August 2021 after two years of significant Ute Mountain Ute community input with 27 students in grades K-1 in a small one-room modular in Towaoc, Colorado on the Ute Mountain Ute reservation as the first public [...]
Navajo Way Inc (501c3)
admin2024-05-20T20:42:56+00:00Navajo Way Inc (501c3) About Navajo Way, Inc. is the only Native American Charter member of the United Way Worldwide. Established in 1982 to empower and support human care organizations that deliver services to improve the lives of the Navajo Nation and neighboring communities. The [...]

Ke’yah Advanced Manufacturing Alliance (501c3)
admin2024-05-20T20:43:32+00:00Ke’yah Advanced Manufacturing Alliance (501c3) About Ke’yah Advanced Rural Manufacturing Alliance (KARMA) is a non-profit corporation and is organized exclusively for charitable, educational and scientific purposes working to create economic opportunity in Native communities through workforce development and entrepreneurship in Advanced Manufacturing and Technology. Ke’yah’s [...]

Hozho Voices of Healing Center (501c3)
admin2024-05-20T20:45:00+00:00Hozho Voices of Healing Center (501c3) About The mission of the Hozho Voices of Healing Center, Inc. (Hozho Center) is to establish and maintain an indigenous community center guided by the Dine' philosophy of Ho'zho' (to exist in a state of wellbeing physically, emotionally, and [...]