Meet Our Grantees
YAKANAL About The mission of YAKANAL is “To strengthen cultural identity and leadership capacities in Indigenous youth, preparing them to engage with other cultures while preserving their own.” Since 2009, YAKANAL has offered participants authentic connections with their cultural roots through explicit comparisons and links with other Indigenous cultures. Our [...]
Village of Walpi
Village of Walpi About The Village of Walpi believes in traditional and contemporary values that promotes the welfare, growth, and sustenance of its people, while protecting and preserving the cultural and natural environment.” The mission will be carried out with the spirit of Sumi’nangwa, Nami’nangwa, and Kyapsti. To inspire, motivate [...]
Healing Mountain Coalition
Healing Mountain Coalition About The Healing Mountain Coalition is a group of White Mountain Apache community members that bring experience and insight from a variety of backgrounds including but not limited to; land restoration, regenerative farming, regenerative medicine, traditional hunting, watershed management, ethnobotany, Apache language, culture and history. [...]

C4 Ever Green
C4 Ever Green About In 2022, C 4Ever Green was created as a 501(c)3 at the encouragement of community members. The organization addresses waste-burning and illegal dumping, protecting endangered Indigenous plants harvested for food, ceremony, and livestock, transitioning to renewable energy, and protecting natural resources. In 2019, local community members, [...]
Albuquerque Public Schools
Albuquerque Public Schools About Albuquerque Public Schools develops enhanced and supportive Indigenous educational opportunities for American Indian/Alaska Native students by increasing knowledge of Native values through teaching language and cultural differences. We believe American Indian/Alaska Native students will succeed with appropriate support systems and effective teaching using culturally relevant methods [...]
Nihikeya About Nihikeya is a grassroot Diné organization with the mission to restore regenerative systems (ecological, social, economic, cultural) guided by Dine teachings and innovative solutions that build long-term, locally based economic systems that place value not only on profits but also on protecting and preserving lands, waters, air, culture, and [...]
Apache Language Consortium
Apache Language Consortium About The Apache Language Consortium (ALC) was founded in 2010 by a group of dedicated linguists, educators, and community leaders, all deeply concerned about the rapid decline in fluency among speakers of various Apache languages. Understanding that language is integral to cultural identity and preservation, we united [...]
Kwiyagat Community Academy
Kwiyagat Community Academy About Kwiyagat Community Academy opened in August 2021 after two years of significant Ute Mountain Ute community input with 27 students in grades K-1 in a small one-room modular in Towaoc, Colorado on the Ute Mountain Ute reservation as the first public charter school on Indian reservation [...]
Four Corners Rising
Four Corners Rising About Four Corners Rising began as a project of University of Colorado at Boulder, in recognition of the need of an NGO organization to support Navajo community leadership in Northwestern New Mexico. The founding members of the Board were convened as advisors to that project. It quickly [...]
Navajo Way Inc (501c3)
Navajo Way Inc (501c3) About Navajo Way, Inc. is the only Native American Charter member of the United Way Worldwide. Established in 1982 to empower and support human care organizations that deliver services to improve the lives of the Navajo Nation and neighboring communities. The concept behind the Navajo Way [...]

Ke’yah Advanced Manufacturing Alliance (501c3)
Ke’yah Advanced Manufacturing Alliance (501c3) About Ke’yah Advanced Rural Manufacturing Alliance (KARMA) is a non-profit corporation and is organized exclusively for charitable, educational and scientific purposes working to create economic opportunity in Native communities through workforce development and entrepreneurship in Advanced Manufacturing and Technology. Ke’yah’s origin began with Kellogg Foundation [...]

Hozho Voices of Healing Center (501c3)
Hozho Voices of Healing Center (501c3) About The mission of the Hozho Voices of Healing Center, Inc. (Hozho Center) is to establish and maintain an indigenous community center guided by the Dine' philosophy of Ho'zho' (to exist in a state of wellbeing physically, emotionally, and spiritually) and K'e' (to exist [...]

KUTE Inc, KSUT Tribal Radio Protection of water Navajo, Ute Mountain Ute, Southern Ute, CO, Fort Lewis College students
KUTE Inc, KSUT Tribal Radio Protection of Water Navajo, Ute Mountain Ute, Southern Ute, CO, Fort Lewis College Students About The KSUT Tribal Media Center seeks to empower Indigenous voices through media education, facilitating content creation, and distribution of content through public media networks, including public radio, public television, and [...]
The Hopi School Inc. (501c3)
The Hopi School Inc. (501c3) About Hopitutuqaiki (The Hopi School) was founded in 1999 and has been in operation since 2005, providing classes in various arts/crafts and Hopi language. The arts/crafts classes have enabled Hopi students to produce items needed for ceremonial purposes and personal items. Many students use these [...]
Chinle Planting Hope (501c3)
Chinle Planting Hope (501c3) About Chinle Planting Hope's mission is to practice creative community development on the Navajo Nation that builds up all community members' mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. Our community is comprised of natural leaders, artisans, entrepreneurs, educators, healers. To fulfill the complex needs, we seek to form [...]
Keres Children’s Learning Center (501c3)
Keres Children’s Learning Center (501c3) About Keres Children’s Learning Center (KCLC) strives to reclaim our children’s education and honor heritage by using a comprehensive cultural and academic curriculum to assist families in nurturing Keres-speaking, holistically healthy, community-minded, and academically strong students. The Keres Children's Learning Center (KCLC) is a Keres- [...]

Tutskwat Oqawtoynani
Tutskwat Oqawtoynani About Tutskwat Oqawtoynani originally started as, The First Mesa Annual Clean-Up in 2014, under the direction and planning of the Nuvayestewa Family from Tewa Village. A small family initiative of 15 volunteers set out on a mission “To clean up the entire First Mesa Villages (Tewa, Sichomovi, and [...]
National Indian Youth Leadership Development Project, Inc (501c3)
National Indian Youth Leadership Development Project, Inc (501c3) About The National Indian Youth Leadership Project (NIYLP) has been working for over 30 years to empower the lives of Indigenous youth through positive youth development programming. Our mission is to help Indigenous youth their potential through outdoor adventure and service-learning. NIYLP [...]
Fundamental Needs Inc (501c3)
Fundamental Needs Inc (501c3) About Fundamental Needs was established in 2020 to address the needs of residents of the Navajo Reservation in the Four Corners region of Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, and Colorado. Our mission is to work with underprivileged communities in the United States to alleviate the suffering caused [...]
Indigenous Knowledge Collective (501c3)
Indigenous Knowledge Collective (501c3) About The Indigenous Knowledge Collective serves indigenous people in New Mexico and Arizona. We provide a Native-led learning environment that fosters and supports the revitalization of traditional existence in tribal communities through art, expression, gardening practices, language, and a spiritual, holistic connection to the land and [...]
Uplift About Uplift connects, trains, and mobilizes young people for climate justice across the Colorado Plateau and greater Southwest. A decentralized network of well-trained frontline youth organizers supports the climate justice movement to end extraction and create regenerative systems across the Colorado Plateau. In the fall of 2014, Uplift [...]
Native American Cancer Research Corporation
Native American Cancer Research Corporation About The mission of this collaborative research team is to understand the impact of environmental contaminants, mitigate exposure, and maximize the health of animals, the environment, and humans. We use a One Health approach that combines animal, environmental, and human data to better characterize [...]
Pueblo Action Alliance – Southwest Organizing Project
Pueblo Action Alliance - Southwest Organizing Project About Pueblo Action Alliance is a community driven organization that promotes cultural sustainability by addressing environmental and social impacts in our Pueblo communities including the urban indigenous community. Our goals include educating our communities on the environmental and associated social issues that [...]
Native Americans for Community Action
Native Americans for Community Action About Founded in 1971, Native American For Community Action (NACA) was created to empower and advocate for Native people and others in need to create a healthy community based on harmony, respect, and indigenous values. Our Lasting Indigenous Family Enrichment (L.I.F.E.) Program promotes tribal [...]
Flowerhill Institute
Flowerhill Institute About Flower Hill Institute, a 501(c)3, was started in 2016 with the mission of building strong, stable and self-determined Tribal communities, through the promotion of Arts, Food/Agriculture and Economic Development with a particular emphasis on youth. Flower Hill Institute (FHI) provides sustainable local food systems, business development, cultural [...]
Rude Girl Film Project, sponsored by Americans for Indian Opportunity
Rude Girl Film Project About The mission is to develop and produce movies for Natives by Natives; create authentic Native stories; cast Native actors; and brand the concept to audiences across the world promoting positive and heroic images of Indigenous peoples through television and movies. Our current project, Rude Girl, [...]
Indian Pueblo Cultural Center
Indian Pueblo Cultural Center About The Indian Pueblo Cultural Center (IPCC) is a world-class museum and cultural center, a place where 19 Pueblo people can tell their stories, beyond the gateway of New Mexico, the center is a necessary first stop for visitors to New Mexico, providing an introduction for [...]
Ita Hopi Lavayi
Ita Hopi Lavayi About Ita Hopi Lavayi (Our Hopi Language) Project believes that Indigenous people have the right to revitalize, use, develop, and transmit to future generations their histories, languages, oral traditions, philosophies, architecture, agriculture, writing systems and literature. Our vision is to be considered a model language [...]
Hasbidito About Hasbídító is a community derived and managed development group that has been working across three chapters of the eastern Navajo Nation: Counselor, Ojo Encino, Torreon. Hasbídító’s board consists entirely of Navajo people who live in these communities and are representative of the communities’ demographics. [...]
Conservation Legacy, Ancestral Lands Program
Conservation Legacy, Ancestral Lands Program About Founded in Acoma Pueblo, Ancestral Lands’ vison statement is “Leading our Nations back to ecological and cultural well-being.” Since 2008, the program has expanded to develop “in community” programs with local Native staff [...]
Black Mesa Trust
Black Mesa Trust About Black Mesa Trust’s mission is to safeguard, preserve, and honor the land and waters of the Black Mesa region; to protect the Navajo Aquifer upon which our peoples and cultures depend: to secure our cultural, economic and social well-being through the education of [...]
Advancing Communities Foundation
Advancing Communities Foundation About The mission of the Advancing Communities Foundation is to provide on-the-ground training to individuals and organizations already working on the betterment of their community, particularly focusing on four key project areas: 1) Environmental Stewardship; 2) Leadership Development; 3) Educational Attainment; and [...]
Acoma Learning Center
Acoma Learning Center About The Acoma Learning Center is located on the Pueblo of Acoma reservation in New Mexico. The Acoma Learning Center is actively involved in community events, often the organizer of events. As the learning center continues to grow, so do the [...]
Uranium Education Coalition
Uranium Education Coalition About The Uranium Education Coalition spreads awareness of water contamination to communities in Arizona and New Mexico which have been affected by abandoned uranium mines and helps communities build leadership, technical skills, and technological fluency around water protection. Years Supported: 2017 Grant Type: [...]
Ancestral Lands Acoma
Ancestral Lands Acoma About The vision for Ancestral Lands, a partnership with Conservation Legacy, is to “lead our Nations back to ecological and cultural well-being.” In this program, youth are trained in traditional and modern farming techniques, including: dryland and irrigated farming, procurement of heirloom and culturally [...]
Ancestral Lands Zuni
Ancestral Lands Zuni About The vision for Ancestral Lands, a partnership with Conservation Legacy, is to “lead our Nations back to ecological and cultural well-being.” The Ancestral Lands Zuni office launched their traditional farm corps program in 2018, combining culture, language and, traditional agriculture in a [...]
Covenant Pathways
Covenant Pathways About Covenant Pathway’s goal is to teach a sustainable way of life through organic farming and food preservation to the local Navajo and Zuni tribal communities using intentional microbiology and composting. Years Supported: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Grant Type: Sustainable Community Based [...]
White Mountain Apache Tribe – Ndee Bikiyaa
White Mountain Apache Tribe - Ndee Bikiyaa About Ndee Bikiyaa (The People’s Farm) is a tribal-owned and operated farm whose mission is to restore personal and cultural health among the White Mountain Apache Tribe (WMAT) through agriculture. Years Supported: 2016, 2017, 2018-2020, 2021 Grant Type: [...]
Utah Diné Bikéyah
Utah Diné Bikéyah About Utah Diné Bikéyah is a nonprofit organization that works toward healing of people and the Earth by supporting indigenous communities in protecting their culturally significant, ancestral lands. Grants to Utah Dine Bikeyah helped their organization with strategic planning, board development, and messaging, that [...]
Tolani Lake Enterprises, Inc.
Tolani Lake Enterprises, Inc. About Tolani Lake Enterprises, Inc., situated in the Western Agency of the Navajo Nation, serves as a place where native-based entrepreneurs, particularly in the field of agriculture, can come for technical support and information on how to start and maintain a business [...]
Zuni Youth Enrichment Program
Zuni Youth Enrichment Program About The Zuni Youth Enrichment Program empowers a young generation to solve the food sovereignty and food security issues faced by the Zuni Tribe through culturally-centered, hands-on nutrition education and sustainable agriculture. Our grants helped the Zuni Youth Enrichment Project develop strategic plans, strengthen leadership and [...]
Ramah Navajo School Board, Inc.
Ramah Navajo School Board, Inc. About Ramah Navajo School Board, Inc. is a Native led 501(c)(3) organization that seeks to re-establish Diné cultural teachings and respectful relationships, overcome the language barriers of younger non-Navajo-speaking community members, and restore and strengthen land based identity. Years Supported: 2014, 2016 Grant Type: [...]
North Leupp Family Farm
North Leupp Family Farm About North Leupp Family Farm is a community-based, 100 acre farm located near the Little Colorado River in the small tribal community of Leupp, Arizona in the southwest portion of the Navajo Nation. Years Supported: 2013 Grant Type: Sustainable Agriculture VISIT WEBSITE BACK [...]
Moenkopi Developers Corporation
Moenkopi Developers Corporation About The Moenkopi Developers Corporation, Inc. is a non-profit Community Development Corporation focused on developing jobs and the economic base to keep Hopi tribal members connected with their village, families, culture and language. Years Supported: 2015 Grant Type: Language VISIT WEBSITE BACK TO ALL [...]
Mesa Media, Inc.
Mesa Media, Inc. About A Hopi-led food sovereignty initiative to document and revitalize Hopi agricultural and culinary traditions in the Hopi language, to produce written and audio materials, and to support mentorship opportunities for younger generations. Years Supported: 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2018 Grant Type: Language VISIT [...]
Koahnic Broadcast Corporation
Koahnic Broadcast Corporation About Koahnic Broadcast Corporation is a non-profit, Native American media production and distribution center headquartered in Anchorage, Alaska, with a satellite location in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Years Supported: 2014, 2015 Grant Type: Cross-program VISIT WEBSITE BACK TO ALL GRANTEES
Hualapai Department of Cultural Resources
Hualapai Department of Cultural Resources About The Hualapai Department of Cultural Resources identifies protects, preserves, and manages cultural resources within Hualapai Tribal lands and Hualapai Traditional use lands. Years Supported: 2013, 2015, 2017, 2018 Grant Type: Language VISIT WEBSITE BACK TO ALL [...]
Hopi Tutskwa Permaculture Institute
Hopi Tutskwa Permaculture Institute About Hopi Tutskwa Permaculture is a community-based organization that engages, trains, and inspires Hopi youth and community members to develop sustainable solutions utilizing Hopi cultural teachings, ecological tradition, and knowledge. Grants to Hopi Tutskwa enabled their organization to develop [...]
White Mesa Concerned Community
White Mesa Concerned Community About White Mesa Concerned Community is a native-led organization that works to protect the people and culture of White Mesa, Utah from uranium contamination at the White Mesa Uranium Mill. Years Supported: 2017, 2018 Grant Type: Protection of Water [...]
Diné Bé Iiná
Diné Bé Iiná About Diné bé iiná – Navajo Lifeways is a grassroots non-profit organization that promotes a sustainable livelihood through the Navajo Way of Life and Navajo-Churro sheep practices. Years Supported: 2015 Grant Type: Sustainable Agriculture [...]
Black Mesa Water Coalition
Black Mesa Water Coalition About Black Mesa Water Coalition is dedicated to preserving and protecting Mother Earth and the integrity of Indigenous Peoples’ cultures, with the vision of building sustainable and healthy communities. Years Supported: 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2018 Grant Type: Protecting sacred places VISIT WEBSITE [...]

This years funding that we received from the Colorado Plateau Foundation is going towards connecting to modern technology. Because everyone is on their phones 24/7, how can we put our language in the phones? So currently we’re looking at ways to create a language phone app. Nothing culturally sensitive, but just every day language. With grantors like the Colorado Plateau Foundation that provide that funding for us, the Acoma people benefit from it.
The specific grant for this cycle will be a series of six workshops. The average individual out on Hopi is not aware of some of the issues we have. The very last presentation will be a teaching where we show specifically what to do in regards to a natural process for removing arsenic from the water, because it can be done using natural elements like rock and sediment.
Our organization is advocating for preserving and protecting our Navajo Churro sheep breed. We recently applied to the Colorado Plateau Foundation about a year ago. The grant was able to help us with technical assistance and to also provide financial training within our organization. That just helps us improve our self-sufficiency.